Theoretical principles and practical applications of fast-scan cyclic voltammetry having dopamine as the central focus
13, 14 and 15 july - Auditório da Reitoria - UFMG - Campus Pampulha
Profa. Angela Maria Ribeiro (UFMG)
Prof. Cláudio Cunha (UFPR)
Isabela Sena (Ph.D. student – Neuroscience Program- UFMG)
Prof. Jader S. Cruz
Prof. Christopher Kushmerick
Profa. Carmem Flores
Lectures / Round Tables
Lecture Cycle
There will be lectures given by specialists in the use of Fast scan cyclic voltammetry in different applications. A special emphasis will be given to the application of this technique on dopaminergic neurotransmission in learning processes, in alcoholism and neurodegenerative conditions.
Laboratory Activities
Musical Performances
Fast scan cyclic voltammetry has become one of the most important tools for studying neurotransmitter release in vivo using a timescale of milliseconds. The traditional alternative has been a technique using in vivomicrodialysis in which samples are collected in units of minutes. In spite of the potential of this newer technique, only few neuroscientists in Brazil have access to it. The objective of this workshop is to demonstrate the principles, protocols, and applications of this technique, using anesthetized and awake rats. The participants will receive training on how to fabricate and implant electrodes to register electrochemical changes in dopamine levels in rodents and to analyze the data collected.
Dr. Claudio da Cunha (UFPR, Brazil)
Cristiano Simões: (Ph.D. student - Neuroscience Program – UFMG)
Dr. Donita Robinson (University of North Carolina, USA)
Dr. Fabrício A. Moreira (UFMG, Brazil)
Dr. Sarah T. Camargos (UFMG, Brazil)
Dr. Fredirico Duarte (UFMG, Brazil)
Gabriel Gomide (Undergraduate student – UFMG)
Dr. Jader dos Santos Cruz (UFMG – Brasil)
Dr. Marcio D. Moraes (UFMG, Brazil)
Dr. Peter Redgrave (University of Sheffield, UK)
Lectures /Round Tables
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July 13:
Lecture 1: Electrophysiological recordings and deep brain electrical stimulation - Márcio Moraes ( UFMG)
Round Table 1 : Brain activity electrical signals and central dopamine measurement
Coordinator: Márcio Moraes ( UFMG)
Donita Robinson (University of North Carolina, USA): Principles of voltammetric methods to measure dopamine in vivo.
Peter Redgrave (University of Sheffield, UK): Why in vivo is important: a novel form of corticostriatal plasticity reinforced by interacting dopaminergic and glutamatergic afferents from substantia nigra and the thalamus.
July 14:
Lecture 2: A central role forphasic dopamine reinforcement in the determination of agency and the discovery of novel actions. - Peter Redgrave (University of Sheffield, UK)
Round table 2: Basal ganglia and the role of dopamine in learning and in motor activity
Coordinator: Cláudio Cunha (UFPR)
Cláudio Cunha (UFPR): Dopaminergic circuit function in reward learning.
Sarah T. Camargos (UFMG) : Role of dopamine in motor activity and movement disorders
July 15:
Lecture 3: Dopamine transients in models of cocaine addiction -Donita Robinson (University of North Carolina, USA)
Round table 3: Dopamine and drug abuse
Coordinator: Fabrício A. Moreira
Frederico D. Garcia (UFMG) The striatal dopaminergic pathway and alcoholism
Fabrício A. Moreira (UFMG): A brain on dopamine: the role of endocannabinoids
Laboratory Activities
Teachers: Claudio Cunha, Donita Robinson, Jader S. Cruz and Peter Redgrave
Cristiano Simões: Ph.D. student of Neuroscience Program - UFMG
Isabela Sena: Ph.D. student of Neuroscience Program - UFMG
Lab 01 (July 13): Construction and calibration of electrodes for electrochemical studies, principles of data analysis
Lab 02 (July 14): Detection of subsecond dopamine release with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in vivo experiments.
Lab 03 (July 15): Data Analysis: voltammograms color plots and temporal variation curve of neurotransmitters . Different approaches for different kinds of voltammetric data. Statistics.
Musical Performances
July 14:
Fabrício Muniz, Gilson Luís, Péterson Carvalho, Renzo Costa e Wlliam Alves.
Influenced by artists such as Silvério Pontes, Zé da Velha, Maestro Duda, German Brass, Canadian Brass and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Minas Gerais, Uai Brass was founded in 2012 by four students from the School of Music at UFMG. Faced with a large repertoire of 5 trumpets, the quartet decided to transform itself into a quintet. Starting in 2013, the group joined the chamber music class of professor Celina Szrvinsk, whose guidance they considered crucial to their development.
José Ursicino da Silva – Maestro Duda (1935): Fantasia Brasileira
José Ursicino da Silva – Maestro Duda (1935): Fantasia Pernambucana
Silvério Pontes (1960)/Chico Nacarati (1957) (Arranjo William Alves): Maxixe da Família
July 15:
Celina Szrvinsk e Miguel Rosselini
Professors of piano and chamber music at the School of Music at UFMG.
Formed in 1984, the duo is recognized as one of the best in the country. They have been invited to the main concert series and venues in Brazil. Outside of Brazil, they have performed in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, Russia and Japan. They have also performed as soloists with such Symphony Orchestras as: São Paulo state, Minas Gerais, Campinas, USP, National, Polish Chamber Philharmonic, Baden-Baden Philharmonic and Bach-Orchester Herzogtum-Lauenburg.
Heitor Villa-Lobos (1897-1959): A Folia de um Bloco Infantil
Aylton Escobar (1943): Seresta Opus 1
Ronaldo Miranda (1948): Variações Sérias sobre um tema de Anacleto de Medeiros –Tango
July 13:
Clara Sandroni – vocals, Cleber Alves – sax, Cliff Korman – piano, Mauro Rodrigues – flaut, Pablo Souza – bass, Wilson Lopes – guitars
With project Reuni, a specialized group of Popular Music was created in the School of Music at UFMG.The presentation of this group is another opportunity to experience together the science of musical legacy, a knowledge that is being created and recreated every moment. It's in this moment that there is a confrontation between the past that wants to survive in the present and the passing of all time, which is like an invitation to new things. It's in this time and space that music exists, and this meeting between that which has happened and that which will, is where its beauty seems to flow.
Dr. Cláudio da Cunha
Undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Brasília, Master's degree in Biological Sciences(Molecular Biology) from the University of Brasília and Ph.D. in Sciences (Biochemistry) from the Federal Universityof Paraná. He is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Paranná.
Dr. Fabrício A. Moreira PhD
Degree in Pharmacy, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). M.Sci. and Ph.D. (2002-2006) in Pharmacology, Medical School of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo (USP-RP).Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), since 2008.
Dr. Sarah T. Camargos
MD. PhD.
Associate Professor. Department of Internal medicine. Medical School. Federal University of Minas Gerais
Dr. Frederico Duarte Garcia
Undergraduate degree in medicine from UFMG. Specialized in psychiatry at the Clinical Hospital of UFMG. Ph.D. inCellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Rouen, France, with his post-doc in the same institution. Adjunct professor in the Department of Psychiatry of the School of Medicine at UFMG.
Dr. Peter Redgrave
BA Psychology, University off Hull, M.Sc and PhD. in the same Univesiy. Professor, Department in Psychology, University of Sheffield
Dr. Marcio Moraes
Undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical Institute of Aeronautics (1992) and Ph.D. inSciences (Human Physiology) from the University of São Paulo (1998). Associate Professor at the Federal University ofMinas Gerais (UFMG).
Dr. Donita Robinson
B.A. in Psychology, University of Texas at Austin
M.A. in Biological Psychology, University of Michigan at Ann ArborPh.D. in Neuroscience, University of Texas at Austin
Postdoctoral fellowship in Analytical Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Registration will be carried out by FUNDEP. Click on the link below.
+ 55 (31) 3409-2637
Room 100 - Block M1 - ICB - UFMG.
Art: Marco Sena - La Ventana Design (31)8544-3136